Publications 2020

Viral Acharya, Zhengyang Jiang, Robert J. Richmond, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden [Project C03]
Divided We Fall: International Health and Trade Coordination During a Pandemic
Covid Economics 60 (2020), 1-56

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz et. al. [Project B05]
Digital & Competition
Concurrences (2020), 2-7

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Ratings, Reviews and Recommendations
Handbook of Cultural Economics 3 (2020), 466-473

Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Xianwen Shi [Project B01]
Monotonic Norms and Orthogonal Issues in Multidimensional Voting
Journal of Economic Theory 189 (2020), 105103

Ruben C. Arslan, Martin Brümmer, Thomas Dohmen, Johanna Drewelies, Ralph Hertwig, Gert G. Wagner [Project A01]
How People Know Their Risk Preference
Nature Scientific Reports 10 (2020), 15365

K. Bach Habersaat, C. Betsch, R. Böhm, N.T. Brewer, R. Butler, M. Danchin, E. Dubé, M. Dutta, S. Eitze, Armin Falk et al. [Project A01]
Ten Considerations for Effectively Managing the COVID-19 Transition
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (2020), 677-687

Anke Becker, Benjamin Enke, Armin Falk [Project A01]
Ancient Origins of the Global Variation in Economic Preferences
AEA Papers and Proceedings 110 (2020), 319-323

Armin Falk, Thomas Graeber [Project A01]
Delayed Negative Effects of Prosocial Spending on Happiness
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (2020), 6463-6468

Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse [Project A01]
The Development of Egalitarian Norm Enforcement in Childhood and Adolescence
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179 (2020), 667-680

Armin Falk, Thomas Neuber, Nora Szech [Project A01]
Diffusion of Being Pivotal and Immoral Outcomes
Review of Economic Studies 87 (2020), 2205-2229

Fabian Kosse, Thomas Deckers, Pia Pinger, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, Armin Falk [Project A01, A02]
The Formation of Prosociality: Causal Evidence on the Role of the Social Environment
Journal of Political Economy 128 (2020), 434-467

Andreas Friedl, Andreas Pondorfer, Ulrich Schmidt [Project A01]
Gender Differences in Social Risk Taking
Journal of Economic Psychology 77 (2020), 102-182

Florian Zimmermann [Project A01]
The Dynamics of Motivated Beliefs
American Economic Review 110 (2020), 337-361

Florian Zimmermann, Frederik Schwerter [Project A01]
Determinants of Trust: The Role of Personal Experiences
Games and Economic Behavior 122 (2020), 413-425

Florian Exler, Michèle Tertilt (2020), [Project A03]
Consumer Debt and Default: A Macro Perspective
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance

Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Ulrike Steins (2020), [Project A03]
Income and Wealth Inequality in America, 1949–2016
Journal of Political Economy, 128, 9

Minchul Yum (2020), [Project A03]
General Equilibrium Feedback Regarding the Employment Effects of Labor Taxes
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(8), 2012-2032

Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu [Project B01]
The Failure of a Nazi "Killer" Amendment
Public Choice 183 (2020), 133-149

Stephan Lauermann, Georg Nöldeke, Thomas Tröger [Project B01, B04]
The Balance Condition in Search-and-Matching Models
Econometrica 88 (2020), 595-618

Colin von Negenborn, Martin Pollrich (2020), [Project B01]
Sweet Lemons: Mitigating Collusion in Organizations
Journal of Economic Theory, 189, 105-174

Tsz-Ning Wong, Lily Ling Yang [Project B01]
Dynamic Expert Incentives in Teams
Games and Economic Behavior 125 (2020), 27-47

Luke Froeb, Bernhard Ganglmair, Steven Tschantz, Gregory Werden (2020), [Project B02]
Technology Economics: Innovation, Licensing, and Antitrust
Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy, 5, 192-219

Bernhard Ganglmair, Alex Holcomb, Noah Myung (2020), [Project B02]
Expectations of Reciprocity When Competitors Share Information: Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 170, 244-267

Ludmila Matysková, Brian Rogers, Jakub Steiner, Keh-Kuan Sun (2020), [Project B02]
Habits as Adaptations: An Experimental Study
Games and Economic Behavior, 122, 391-406

Daniel Krähmer (2020), [Project B03]
Information Disclosure and Full Surplus Extraction in Mechanism Design
Journal of Economic Theory, 187, 105020

Ben Mermelstein, Volker Nocke, Mark Satterthwaite, Michael Whinsto (2020), [Project B03]
Internal Versus External Growth in Industries With Scale Economies: A Computational Model of Optimal Merger Policy
Journal of Political Economy, 128(1), 301-341

Holger Breinlich, Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz (2020), [Project B03]
Merger Policy in a Quantitative Model of International Trade
Economic Journal, 130(626), 393-421

Dieter Pennerstorfer, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Nicolas Schutz, Biliana Yontcheva, Christoph Weiss (2020), [Project B03]
Information and Price Dispersion: Theory and Evidence
International Economic Review, 62(2), 871-899

Mehmet Ekmekci, Stephan Lauermann (2020), [Project B04]
Manipulated Electorates and Information Aggregation
Review of Economic Studies, 87(2), 997-1033

Nicolas Fugger, Vitali Gretschko, Helene Mass, Achim Wambach (2020), [Project B04]
Imitation Perfection—A Simple Rule to Prevent Discrimination in Procurement
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 12(3), 189-245

Claudia Herresthal (2020), [Project B04]
Performance-Based Rankings and School Quality
Economic Journal, 130(630), 1729-1752

Godfrey Keller, Sven Rady (2020), [Project B04]
Undiscounted Bandit Games
Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 43-61

Amelie Schiprowski (2020), [Project B04]
The Role of Caseworkers in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence From Unplanned Absences
Journal of Labor Economics, 38(4), 1189-1225

Simon Anderson, Martin Peitz (2020), [Project B05]
Media See-Saws: Winners and Losers in Platform Markets
Journal of Economic Theory, 186, 104990

Miriam Buiten (2020), [Project B05]
Economic Implications of Robo Advice
D. Linardatos (ed.), Rechtshandbuch Robo Advice, Beck

Miriam Buiten, Garry Gabison (2020), [Project B05]
Platform Liability in Copyright Enforcement
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review, 21(2), 237-280

Miriam Buiten, Alexandre de Streel, Martin Peitz (2020), [Project B05]
Rethinking Liability Rules for Online Hosting Platforms
International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 28(2), 139-166

Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz (2020), [Project B05]
Which Role for State Aid and Merger Control During and After the Covid Crisis?
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 11, 294-301

Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz (2020), [Project B05]
Removal of Potential Competitors – A Blind Spot of Merger Policy?
Competition Law and Policy Debate, 6, 19-25

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz (2020), [Project B05]
Cartel Effects and Component Makers’ Rights to Damages
World Competition, 43, 209-240

Heiko Karle, Martin Peitz, Markus Reisinger (2020), [Project B05]
Segmentation Versus Agglomeration: Competition Between Platforms With Competitive Seller
Journal of Political Economy, 128, 2329-2374

Martin Peitz, Dongsoo Shin (2020), [Project B05]
Distorted Input Ratios in Vertical Relationships
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122, 1480-1509

Mark A. Andor, Andreas Gerster, Stephan Sommer (2020), [Project B07]
Consumer Inattention, Heuristic Thinking and the Role of Energy Labels
Energy Journal, 41, 1

Felix Holub, Nicolas Koch, Nolan Ritter, Alexander Rohlf (2020), [Project B07]
The Effect of Clean Air on Pharmaceutical Expenditures
Economics Letters, 192, 109-221

Fernanda Brollo, Katja Kaufmann, Eliana La Ferrara (2020), [Project C01]
The Political Economy of Program Enforcement: Evidence From Brazil
Journal of the European Economic Association,  18(2), 750-791

Fernanda Brollo, Katja Kaufmann, Eliana La Ferrara (2020), [Project C01]
Learning Spillovers in Conditional Welfare Programs: Evidence From Brazil
Economic Journal, 130(628), 853-879

Karolin Kirschenmann, Josef Korte, Sascha Steffen (2020), [Project C03]
A Zero-Risk Weight Channel for Sovereign Risk Spillovers
Journal of Financial Stability, 51, 100780

Martin Brown, Karolin Kirschenmann, Thomas Spycher (2020), [Project C03]
Numeracy and the Quality of on-the-Job Decisions: Evidence From Loan Officers
Economic Inquiry, 58(2), 998-1022

Peter Schmidt, André Stenzel, Christoph Wolf (2020), [Project C03]
Pricing for the Stars - Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Rating Systems
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'20), 273-274

Markus Brunnermeier, Simon Rother, Isabel Schnabel (2020), [Project C04]
Asset Price Bubbles and Systemic Risk
Review of Financial Studies, 33(9), 4272-4317

Andreas Engert, Tim Florstedt (2020), [Project C04]
Which Related Party Transactions Should Be Subject to Ex Ante Review? Evidence From Germany
Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 20(2), 263-290

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