Forthcoming publications

Project A: Family and education policies

Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva, Felix Chopra, Armin Falk [Project A01]
Fighting Climate Change: The Role of Norms, Preferences, and Moral Values
Review of Economics and Statistics

Benjamin Enke, Frederik Schwerter, Florian Zimmermann [Project A01]
A Representative Survey Experiment of Motivated Climate Change Denial
Nature Climate Change

Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Pia Pinger [Projects A01, A02]
Mentoring and Schooling Decisions: Causal Evidence
Journal of Political Economy

Michelle Sovinsky, Julian Hidalgo [Project A02]
Subsidies, Speed and Switching? Impacts of an Internet Subsidy in Colombia
Review of Industrial Organization (forthcoming)

Anne Hannusch [Project A03]
Taxing Families: The Impact of Child-related Transfers on Maternal Labor Supply
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Gabriela Galassi, David Koll, Lukas Mayr [Project A03]
The Intergenerational Correlation of Employment: Mothers as Role Models?
Labour Economics

Minki Kim, Munseob Lee [Project A03]
The US structural transformation and regional convergence: Racial heterogeneity
Journal of Applied Econometrics 

Michal Bauer, Jana Cahlíková, Dagmara Celik Katreniak, Julie Chytilová, Lubomír Cingl, Tomáš Želinský [Project A05]
Nastiness in Groups
Journal of the European Economic Association

Thomas Dohmen, Tomáš Jagelka [Project A05]
Accounting for Individual-Specific Reliability of Self-Assessed Measures of Economic Preferences and Personality Traits
Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics

Hannah Illing, Johannes Schmieder, Simon Trenkle [Project A05]
The Gender Gap in Earnings Losses After Job Displacement
Journal of the European Economic Association

Bert Van Landeghem, Thomas Dohmen, Arne Risa Hole, Annemarie Künn-Nelen [Project A05]
The Value of Commuting Time, Flexibility, and Job Security: Evidence From Current and Recent Jobseekers in Flanders
Labour Economics

Jonas Radbruch, Amelie Schiprowski [Project A05]
Interview Sequences and the Formation of Subjective Assessments
Review of Economic Studies

Project B: Product market regulation

Heski Bar-Isaac, Justin Johnson, Volker Nocke (2024) [Project B03]
Acquihiring for Monopsony Power
Management Science

Francesc Dilmé [Project B02]
Sequentially Stable Outcomes
Econometrica (forthcoming)

Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth [Project B03]
The Demand for News: Accuracy Concerns versus Belief Confirmation Motives
Economic Journal (forthcoming)

Thomas Mariotti, Nikolaus Schweizer, Nora Szech, Jonas von Wangenheim [Project B03]
Information Nudges and Self-Control
Management Science (forthcoming)

Massimo Motta, Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz [Project B03, B05]
Geopolitical Risks and Prudential Merger Control
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (forthcoming)

Volker Nocke, Nicolas Schutz [Project B03]
An Aggregative Games Approach to Merger Analysis in Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly
RAND Journal of Economics

Vladimir Novak, Andrei Matveenko, Silvio Ravaioli [Project B03]
The Status Quo and Belief Polarization of Inattentive Agents: Theory and Experiment
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev [Project B03, B04, B05]
Inflated Recommendations
RAND Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Patrick Rey, Yossi Spiegel, Konrad Stahl [Project B04]
A Dynamic Model of Predation
RAND Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Network Goods, Price Discrimination, and Two-Sided Platforms
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (forthcoming)

Miguel Risco [Project B05]
Network Effects on Information Acquisition by DeGroot Updaters
Economic Theory

Eleftheria Triviza [Project B05]
Optimal Non-Linear Pricing Scheme When Consumers are Habit Forming
RAND Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò, Gino Gancia, Harald Fadinger [Project B06]
Robot Imports and Firm-level Outcomes
Economic Journal

Johannes Gessner, Wolfgang Habla, Ulrich J. Wagner [Project B07]
Can social comparisons and moral appeals encourage low-emission transport use?
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (forthcoming)

Jonathan Colmer, Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls, Ulrich Wagner [Project B07]
Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Emissions Trading Scheme
Review of Economic Studies

Natalia Fabra, Catarina Pintassilgo, Mateus Souza [Project B07]
Observed Patterns of Free-Floating Car-Sharing Use
SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association

Andreas Gerster, Michael Kramm [Project B07]
Optimal Internality Taxation of Product Attributes
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Andreas Gerster, Stefan Lamp [Project B07]
Energy Tax Exemptions and Industrial Production
Economic Journal

Elisa Rottner, Kathrine von Graevenitz [Project B07]
What Drives Carbon Emissions in German Manufacturing: Scale, Technique or Composition?
Environmental and Resource Economics (forthcoming)

S.K. Yong, Ulrich Wagner, Peiyao Shen, Laure de Preux, Mirabelle Muûls, Ralf Martin, Jing Cao [Project B07]
Management Practices and Climate Policy in China
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Project C: Financial market regulation

Husnu Dalgic [Project C02]
Financial Dollarization in Emerging Markets: An Insurance Mechanism
International Economic Review

Christian Bayer, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Gernot J. Müller, Fabian Seyrich [Project C05]
A HANK² Model of Monetary Unions
Journal of Monetary Economics

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