Project group B05: Publications

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Network Goods, Price Discrimination, and Two-Sided Platforms
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (forthcoming)

Massimo Motta, Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz [Project B03, B05]
Geopolitical Risks and Prudential Merger Control
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (forthcoming)

Martin Peitz, Anton Sobolev [Project B03, B04, B05]
Inflated Recommendations
RAND Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Miguel Risco [Project B05]
Network Effects on Information Acquisition by DeGroot Updaters
Economic Theory (forthcoming)

Eleftheria Triviza [Project B05]
Optimal Non-Linear Pricing Scheme When Consumers are Habit Forming
RAND Journal of Economics (forthcoming)

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
The Digital Markets Act and the Whack-A-Mole Challenge
Common Market Law Review 61 (2024), 299-344

Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Digital Attention Intermediaries
Seoul Journal of Economics 37 (2024), 1-36

Simon Anderson, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Ad Clutter, Time Use, and Media Diversity
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15 (2023), 227-270

Miriam Buiten, Alexandre de Streel, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
The Law and Economics of Al Liability
Computer Law & Security Review 45 (2023), 105794

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Market Power of Digital Platforms
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39 (2023), 34-46

Martin Peitz [Project B05]
How to Apply the Self-Preferencing Prohibition in the DMA
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 14 (2023), 310-315

Marcel Preuss [Project B05]
Search, Learning and Tracking
RAND Journal of Economics 53 (2023), 54-82

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz, Eric Toulemonde [Project B05]
The Tension between Market Shares and Profit under Platform Competition
International Journal of Industrial Organization 81 (2022), 102807

Natalia Fabra, Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Learning from Electricity Markets: How to Design a Resilience Strategy
Energy Policy 168 (2022), 113116

Johannes Hörner, Nicolas Klein, Sven Rady [Project B05]
Overcoming Free-Riding in Bandit Games
Review of Economic Studies 89 (2022), 1948-1992

Heiko Karle, Dirk Engelmann, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Student Performance and Loss Aversion
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 124 (2022), 420-456

Martin Peitz, Lily Samkharadze [Project B05]
Collusion Between Non-Differentiated Two-Sided Platforms
Economics Letters 215 (2022), 110506

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Digital Platforms and the New 19a Tool in the German Competition Act
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 12 (2021), 513-528

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Market Definition in the Platform Economy
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 23 (2021), 91-127

Federico Innocenti, Domenico Menicucci [Project B05]
Partial Compatibility in Oligopoly
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 188 (2021), 351-378

Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Big Tech Mergers
Information Economics and Policy 54 (2021), 100868

Simon Anderson, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Media See-Saws: Winners and Losers in Platform Markets
Journal of Economic Theory 186 (2020), 104990

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz et. al. [Project B05]
Digital & Competition
Concurrences (2020), 2-7

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Ratings, Reviews and Recommendations
Handbook of Cultural Economics 3 (2020), 466-473

Miriam Buiten [Project B05]
Economic Implications of Robo Advice
Rechtshandbuch Robo Advice, Beck (2020)

Miriam Buiten, Garry Gabison [Project B05]
Platform Liability in Copyright Enforcement
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review 21 (2020), 237-280

Miriam Buiten, Alexandre de Streel, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Rethinking Liability Rules for Online Hosting Platforms
International Journal of Law and Information Technology 28 (2020), 139-166

Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Which Role for State Aid and Merger Control During and After the Covid Crisis?
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 11 (2020), 294-301

Heiko Karle, Martin Peitz, Markus Reisinger [Project B05]
Segmentation Versus Agglomeration: Competition Between Platforms With Competitive Seller
Journal of Political Economy 128 (2020), 2329-2374

Massimo Motta, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Removal of Potential Competitors – A Blind Spot of Merger Policy?
Competition Law and Policy Debate 6 (2020), 19-25

Martin Peitz, Dongsoo Shin [Project B05]
Distorted Input Ratios in Vertical Relationships
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122 (2020), 1480-1509

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Managing Competition on a Two-Sided Platform
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 28 (2019), 5-22

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Price Disclosure by Two‐Sided Platforms
International Journal of Industrial Organization 67 (2019), 102529

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Platform Competition: Who Benefits From Multihoming?
International Journal of Industrial Organization 64 (2019), 1-26

Miriam Buiten [Project B05]
Datenschutzverletzungen als Wettbewerbsverstöße
Jahrbuch Junge Zivilrechtswissenschaft (2019) Nomos/Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag

Miriam Buiten [Project B05]
Regulating Data Giants: Between Competition Law and Data Protection Law
New Developments in Consumer Law and Economics, Series Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship (2019), 265-294

Miriam Buiten [Project B05]
Towards Intelligent Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
European Journal of Risk Regulation 10 (2019), 41-59

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Inside the Engine Room of Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings and Recommendations
Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution, Funcas Social and Economic Studies 5 (2018), 215-254

Paul Belleflamme, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Platforms and Network Effects
Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization 2 (2018), 286-317

Miriam Buiten [Project B05]
Regulating Data Giants: Between Competition Law and Data Protection Law
New Developments in Competition Law and Economics, Series Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship (2018), 265-294

Jan Krämer, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
A Fresh Look at Zero Rating
Telecommunications Policy 42 (2018), 501-513

Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Suppliers as Forgotten Cartel Victims
New York University Journal of Law & Business 15 (2018), 17-59

Jay Pil Choi, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
You are Judged by the Company You Keep: Reputation Leverage in Vertically Related Markets
International Journal of Industrial Organization 61 (2018), 351-379

Heike Schweitzer, Martin Peitz [Project B05]
Neuer europäischer Ordnungsrahmen für Datenmärkte?
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 71 (2018), 275-280

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