Project group A03: Discussion papers
Intergenerational Spillovers: The Impact of Labor Market Risk on the Housing Market
636/2025, A03, Leanne Nam
Debt, Human Capital, and the Allocation of Talent
635/2025, A03, Titan Alon, Natalie Cox, Minki Kim
The Distribution of Household Debt in the United States, 1950-2022
634/2025, A03, C02, Alina Bartscher, Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Ulrike Steins
Cohabitation, Child Development, and College Costs
628/2025, A03, Efi Adamopoulou, Anne Hannusch, Karen Kopecky, Tim Obermeier
Distributional Dynamics
625/2025, A03, C05, Christian Bayer, Luis Calderon, Moritz Kuhn
The Geography of Job Creation and Job Destruction
609/2024, A03, Moritz Kuhn, Iourii Manovskii, Xincheng Qiu
Short-Time Work Extensions
606/2024, A03, C03, Christina Brinkmann, Simon Jäger, Moritz Kuhn, Farzad Saidi, Stefanie Wolter
The Long-term Effects of Charity Nurseries: Evidence from Early 20th Century New York
596/2024, A03, Philipp Ager, Viktor Malein
Army of Mortgagors: Long-Run Evidence on Credit Externalities and the Housing Market
586/2024, A03, C03, Tobias Herbst, Moritz Kuhn, Farzad Saidi
Early Life Conditions, Time Preferences, and Savings
583/2024, A03, B05, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Mattia Colombo, Eleftheria Triviza
Childhood Migration and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Indonesia
582/2024, A03, Hanna Schwank
Female Employment and Structural Transformation
577/2024, A03, Moritz Kuhn, Iourii Manovskii, Xincheng Qiu
Future Versus Today’s Improvements: The Trade-off of Place-Based Policies
573/2024, A03, Max Brès, Philipp Kircher, David Koll
Disruptive Effects of Natural Disasters: The 1906 San Francisco Fire
571/2024, A03, Hanna Schwank
Quantifying Okun’s Leaky Bucket: The Case of Progressive Childcare Subsidies
570/2024, A03, David Koll, Dominik Sachs, Fabian Stürmer-Heiber, Hélène Turon
Efficiency and Equity of Education Tracking: A Quantitative Analysis
546/2024, A03, A04, Suzanne Bellue, Lukas Mahler
Worker Heterogeneity and Optimal Unemployment Insurance: The Surprising Power of the Floor
545/2024, A03, Simon J. Heiler
Gender-Biased Technological Change: Milking Machines and the Exodus of Woman from Farming
535/2024, A03, Philipp Ager, Marc Goñi, Kjell G. Salvanes
Unemployment Risk, Portfolio Choice, and the Racial Wealth Gap
508/2024, A03, C02, Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick
Changes in the Distribution of Black and White Wealth Since the US Civil War
507/2024, A03, C02, Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick. Published in Journal of Economic Perspectives 37 (2023), 71-90
The Role of Friends in the Opioid Epidemic
493/2024, A03, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Jeremy Greenwood, Nezih Guner, and Karen Kopecky. First version: January 2024
Why Don’t Poor Families Move? A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Parental Decisions with Social Learning
472/2023, A03, Suzanne Bellue
How Families Matter for Understanding Economic Inequality
456/2023, A03, Cezar Santos, Michèle Tertilt. Published in The IFS Deaton Review, May 2023.
When Effective Teacher Training Falls Short in the Classroom: Evidence from an Experiment in Primary Schools
455/2023, A03, Suzanne Bellue, Adrien Bouguen, Marc Gurgand, Valerie Munier, André Tricot
Job Levels and Wages
437/2023, C05/A03, Christian Bayer, Moritz Kuhn
Labor Market Effects of Monetary Policy Across Workers and Firms
407/2023, A03, C05, Andreas Gulyas, Matthias Meier, Mykola Ryzhenkov
Staggered Contracts and Unemployment During Recessions
379/2022, A03, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Luis Diez-Catalan, Ernesto Villanueva. Published in IZA World of Labor, 2022. First version: December 2022
Coordinated Firm-Level Work Processes and Macroeconomic Resilience
373/2022, A03, Moritz Kuhn, Jinfeng Luo, Iourri Manovskii, Xincheng Qiu
The Economics of Woman's Rights: The Mary Paley and Alfred Marshall Lecture
372/2022, A03, A04, Michele Tertilt, Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannusch, Laura Montenbruck. Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, 20: 6, 2271-2316, 2023
Wealth of Two Nations: The U.S. Racial Wealth Gap, 1860-2020
368/2022, A03, C02, Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick. Published in Quarterly Journal of Economics 139 (2024), 693-750
The Role of Marital Status for the Evaluation of Bankruptcy Regimes
361/2022, A03, Jan Sun
The Unequal Consequences of Job Loss Across Countries
351/2022, A03, Antoine Bertheau, Edoardo Acabbi, Cristina Barceló, Andreas Gulyas, Stefano Lombardi, Raffaele Saggio. Published in American Economic Review: Insights 5 (2023), 393-408
The Economics of Fertility: A New Era
347/2022, A03, Matthias Doepke, Anne Hannusch, Fabian Kindermann, Michèle Tertilt. Published in Lundberg, Shelly & Voena, Alessandra (eds.): Handbook of Family Economics, 1, 151-254, 2023
Bundling Time and Goods: Implications for the Dispersion in Hours Worked
346/2022, A03, Lei Fang, Anne Hannusch, Pedro Silos
Lifestyle Behaviors and Wealth-Health Gaps in Germany
338/2022, A03, Lukas Mahler, Minchul Yum. Published in Econometrica 92 (2024), 1697–1733
Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 in Developing Countries
332/2022, A03, Titan Alon, Matthias Doepke, Kristina Manysheva, Michèle Tertilt. Published in AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 112, 272-276, May 2022.
Minimum Wages and Insurance within the Firm
326/2022, A03, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Francesco Manaresi, Omar Rachedi, Emircan Yurdagul. First version: January 2022. Second version: November 2022.
The Payday Loan Puzzle: A Credit Scoring Explanation
324/2021, A03, Tsung-Hsien Li, Jan Sun
The Geography of Job Creation and Job Destruction
321/2021, A03, Moritz Kuhn, Iourii Manovskii, Xincheng Qiu
The Intergenerational Correlation of Employment
309/2021, A03, Gabriela Galassi, David Koll, Lukas Mayr
Status Externalities and Low Birth Rates in Korea
305/2021, A03, Seongeun Kim, Michèle Tertilt, Minchul Yum
From Mancession to Shecession: Women’s Employment in Regular and Pandemic Recessions
301/2021, A03, Titan Alon, Sena Coskun, Matthias Doepke, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt. Published in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, Volume 36, May 2022.
Luxuries, Necessities, and the Allocation of Time
291/2021, A03, Lei Fang, Anne Hannusch, Pedro Silos. First version: April 2021
Eating Habits, Food Consumption, and Health: The Role of Early Life Experiences
276/2021, A03, B05, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Elisabetta Olivieri, Eleftheria Triviza. First version March 2021
Unemployment Insurance Reforms in a Search Model with Endogenous Labor Force Participation
264/2021, A03, Johannes Goensch, Andreas Gulyas, Ioannis Kospentaris
Consumer Credit with Over-Optimistic Borrowers
245/2020, A03, Florian Exler, Igor Livshits, James MacGee, Michèle Tertilt. Forthcoming in Journal of the European Economic Association
Aggregate and Intergenerational Implications of School Closures: A Quantitative Assessment
234/2020, A03, Youngsoo Jang, Minchul Yum. First version: November 2020
The Consequences of the COVID-19 Job Losses: Who Will Suffer Most and by How Much?
212/2020, A03, Andreas Gulyas, Krzysztof Pytka. Published in COVID Economics 47 (2020), 70-107
This Time It's Different: The Role of Women's Employment in a Pandemic Recession
198/2020, A03, Titan Alon, Matthias Doepke, Jane Olmstead-Rumsey, Michèle Tertilt
Nonlinear Occupations and Female Labor Supply Over Time
197/2020, A03, Youngsoo Jang, Minchul Yum. Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 46, 2022, 51-73
Does Pay Transparency Affect the Gender Wage Gap? Evidence from Austria
194/2020, A03, C01, Andreas Gulyas, Sebastian Seitz, Sourav Sinha. Published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2023, 15 (2): 236-55. First version: July 2020
The Economic Motives for Foot-binding
187/2020, A03, Xinyu Fan, Lingwei Wu. Published as "The Shaping of a Gender Norm: Marriage, Labor, and Foot-Binding in Historical China" in International Economic Review, 2023, 64: 1819-1850
The Short-Run Macro Implications of School and Child-Care Closures
183/2020, A03, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Moritz Kuhn, Michèle Tertilt
Firm Dynamics with Labor Market Sorting
181/2020, A03, Andreas Gulyas
Wage Determination and the Bite of Collective Contracts in Italy and Spain: Evidence from the Metalworking Industry
176/2020, A03, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Ernesto Villanueva. Published as "Wage Determination and the Bite of Collective Contracts in Italy and Spain" in Labour Economics, Volume 76, 2022, 102147
An Economic Model of the COVID-19 Pandemic with Young and Old Agents: Behavior, Testing and Policies
175/2020, A03, Luiz Brotherhood, Philipp Kircher, Cezar Santos, Michèle Tertilt. First version: May 2020
The Long-Term Earnings’ Effects of a Credit Market Disruption
169/2020, A03, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Marta De Philippis, Enrico Sette, Eliana Viviano. First version: April 2020
The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality
163/2020, A03, Titan Alon, Matthias Doepke, Jane Olmstead-Rumsey, Michèle Tertilt. Published in Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, Issue 4, 62-85, April 2020.
Consumer Debt and Default: A Macro Perspective
153/2020, A03, Florian Exler, Michèle Tertilt. First version: February 2020. Published in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 2020
The Emergence of Procyclical Fertility: The Role of Gender Differences in Employment Risk
142/2020, A03, C02, Sena Coskun, Husnu C. Dalgic. First version: January 2020. Published in Journal of Monetary Economics 142 (2024), 103523
Young, Educated, Unemployed
134/2019, A03, Sena Coskun. First version: November 2019
Understanding the Sources of Earnings Losses After Job Displacement: A Machine-Learning Approach
131/2019, A03, Andreas Gulyas, Krzysztof Pytka. First version: October 2019
Structural Empirical Analysis of Vacancy Referrals with Imperfect Monitoring and the Strategic Use of Sickness Absence
123/2019, A03, Gerard J. van den Berg, Hanno Foerster, Arne Uhlendorff
Adjusting to Globalization in Germany
118/2019, A03, Wolfgang Dauth, Sebastian Findeisen, Jens Suedekum. Published in Journal of Labor Economics, 39, 1, 263-302, 2021
Untying the Knot: How Child Support and Alimony Affect Couples’ Decisions and Welfare
115/2019, A03, Hanno Foerster. First version: August 2019
Does Female Empowerment Promote Economic Development?
112/2019, A03, Matthias Doepke, Michèle Tertilt. Published in Journal of Economic Growth, 24: 309-343, 2019
Employer Screening and Optimal Unemployment Insurance
110/2019, A03, Mario Meier, Tim Obermeier
The Marriage Market, Inequality and the Progressivity of the Income Tax
109/2019, A03, Tim Obermeier
Not Just a Work Permit: EU Citizenship and the Consumption Behaviour of Documented and Undocumented Immigrants
102/2019, A03, Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Ezgi Kaya. Published in Canadian Journal of Economics, 53: 1552-1598, 2020
Heterogeneity, Transfer Progressivity and Business Cycles
085/2019, A03, Youngsoo Jang, Takeki Sunakawa, Minchul Yum. First version: April 2019. Published as "Tax-and-Transfer Progressivity and Business Cycles" in: Quantitative Economics, Vol. 14, 2023
An Equilibrium Model of the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic
068/2019, A03, Jeremy Greenwood, Philipp Kircher, Cezar Santos, Michèle Tertilt. Published in Econometrica, 87(4): 1081-1113, 2019
Taxing Families: The Impact of Child-Related Transfers on Maternal Labor Supply
067/2019, A03, Anne Hannusch. First version: January 2019. Conditionally accepted at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
General Equilibrium Feedback Regarding the Employment Effects of Labor Taxes
059/2018, A03, Minchul Yum. Published in Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(8): 2012-2032, 2020
Parental Time Investment and Intergenerational Mobility
048/2018, A03, Minchul Yum. First version: October 2018. Published in International Economic Review, 64: 187-223.