Project group C02: Policy outreach
Scientific Committee Chair, Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar, German Ministry of Finance
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-12-09
Co-authored article in IAB Forum: "Hohe Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und hohe Geburtenraten: die Quadratur des Kreises? "
Husnu C. Dalgic, C02, 2024-10-04
Participant at Central Bankers Course, Foundation of the Swiss National Bank
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-08-28/30
Participant at ECB Forum on Central Banking, "Monetary policy in an era of transformation"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-07-01/03
Keynote, Annual Meeting of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions, Federal Ministry of Finance: "Fiscal Stability and Financial Stability"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-06-12
Keynote and panel at the Federal Ministry of Finance: "Inflation und Staatshaushalt. Wird die Geldpolitik von der Fiskalpolitik dominiert?"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-06-07
Meetings of the Scientific Advisory Council of the German Ministry of Finance
Klaus Adam, C02, 2024-01-18
Interview with Market News (MNI): "German Employment Gains May Prove Fleeting"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-12-06
Interview with Agentur Market News (MNI): "US Soft Landing Key to ECB Easing"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-12-06
Coverage in Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Streit um Industriestrompreis. Ist das schon „Realsatire“? "
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-09-26
Meeting with leadership of German Finance Ministry
Klaus Adam, C02, 2023-01-20
Interview with Agentur Market News (MNI): "Market´s ECB Outlook Too Rosy – Berlin Advisor"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-10-18
Interview with Agentur Market News (MNI): "See German fiscal Curbs Despite Recession Risk"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-10-18
Coverage in Manichi Zeitung (Japan)
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-09-30
Coverage in FAZ: "Auf der schiefen Bahn"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-08-09
Coverage in Börsen-Zeitung: "Es ist zu wenig und zu spät"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-21
Interview in ARD Tagesschau24: "Staatschulden & Zinsdynamik im Euroraum"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-21
Coverage in Börsen-Zeitung: "Was Top-Ökonomen Lagarde & Co. raten"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-20
German Ministry of Finance, Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, Berlin
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-07-07
Coverage in POLITICO: "The ECB is now a prisoner of war"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-29
Coverage in Neue Züricher Zeitung: "Die EZB hechelt der Inflation hinterher und vernachlässigt weiterhin sträflich ihre Pflicht zur Wahrung der Preisstabilität"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-09
Coverage in FINANCIAL TIMES: "Christine Lagarde in the hot seat as ECB ends easy-money era"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-08
Coverage in FAZ: "Die Negativzinsen der EZB sind schlicht nicht mehr vermittelbar"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-06-08
Article in SUERF: "Under Pressure: Credibility of Monetary Policy"
Antoine Camous, C02, 2022-05-01
Quoted in Financial Times: "Cushioning from price rises is ‘terrible economics’, experts say"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-04-18
Coverage in taz: "Bei Energieimport-Stopp aus Russland: Warnung vor Einbruch wie 2020"
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-29
Participant in the ECB Economists' Roundtable with ECB Director Isabel Schnabel
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-03-28
Coverage in Capital: "Gaslieferungen: Putins Rubeltrick"
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-24
Interview in Handelsblatt: "Energieembargo gegen Russland: Droht Deutschland der wirtschaftliche Niedergang?"
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-22
Coverage in ntv: "Braucht Putin unsere Gas-Euros überhaupt?"
Moritz Schularick, C02, 2022-03-22
Speaker at "Euro 50 Group" in London on ECB policy
Klaus Adam, C02, 2022-02-04
Coverage in Financial Times: "The return of inflation: crunch time for the European Central Bank"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-11-15
Speaker at ECB Forum on Central Banking Conference: "Monetary Policy Challenges from Falling Natural Interest Rates"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-11-12
Interview in Mannheimer Morgen: "Inflation wird wahrscheinlich sinken"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2021-11-09
Statement in Tagesschau: "Bundesbank-Präsident Weidmann kündigt Rücktritt an"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-10-20
Presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of Banque de France & CompNet: "Covid-19 Supply Chain Disruptions"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2021-10-14
Coverage in FAZ: "1,1 bis 1,7 Prozent wären optimal"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-08-18
Research Development Advisor of the IMF in a joint project with the National Bank of Ukraine on "Foreign cash, business cycle propagation, and policy implications"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2021-07-05
Presentation of "Corporate Debt Maturity Matters for Monetary Policy" at "The Policy Toolkit for a World in Flux" organized by the National Bank of Ukraine and the National Bank of Poland
Matthias Meier, Joachim Jungherr, Timo Reinelt, Immo Schott, C02, 2021-05-10
Co-authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: "Das Dilemma der EZB"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2021-05-02
Coverage in FAZ: "Die Geldpolitik stößt an Grenzen"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-12
Presentation on "Monetary Policy Challenges from Falling Natural Rates of Interest" at ECB Forum on Central Banking
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-11
Coverage in The Telegraph: "Eurozone recovery depends on speed of vaccine rollout, Lagarde warns"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-11
Coverage in Bloomberg: "ECB Told Home Prices, Fiscal Spending Key as Strategy Reviewed"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-10
Coverage in REUTERS: "Central bankers seek new role in brave new world"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-11-10
Research Development Advisor of the IMF in a joint project with the National Bank of Ukraine on "Foreign cash, business cycle propagation, and policy implications"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-11-09
Article in CEPR Covid Economics (issue 48): "Covid-19 Supply Chain Disruptions"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-09-10
Central Bank of Chile: Course on Monetary Policy
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-06-30
Research Development Advisor of the IMF in a joint project with the National Bank of Ukraine on "Foreign cash savings, business cycle propagation, and policy implications"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-06-29
Presentation of "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP" (joint with Timo Reinelt) at "Inflation: drivers and dynamics 2020" organized by the ECB and the Cleveland Fed
Matthias Meier, C02, 2020-05-21
Statement by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Finance on the financial transaction tax: Beiratsstellungnahme “Zur Sinnhaftigkeit einer Finanztransaktionsteuer”
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-04-03
Lecture at the Monetary Policy Committee at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt on “Optimal Inflation”
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-01-15
Comment in Handelsblatt: "Finanztransaktionssteuer: Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-01-15
Lecture at the research workshop "The Future of Inflation Targeting" of the Bank of England: “The Case for Low and Stable Inflation”
Klaus Adam, C02, 2020-01-09
Presentation on "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP" at the first CompNet, EBRD and IWH Conference on "Finance and Produktivity" at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-12-03
Presentation at the National Bank of Ukraine: "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-09-27
Presentation at the 7th CBRT-ECB Joint Conference "Firm Dynamics, International Trade, Finance and Growth": Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"
Timo Reinelt, Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-09-19
Co-authored article in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: "Europas Einlagensicherung neu gedacht"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2019-09-16
Presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco: "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-08-12
Presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis: "Monetary Policy, Markup Dispersion, and Aggregate TFP"
Matthias Meier, C02, 2019-08-08
Presentation “Beyond Rational Expectations: Theory and Applications to Asset Pricing and Business Cycles” at the Bank of England
Klaus Adam, C02, 2019-02-15
Talk at the "Monetary Policy and Financial Stability" conference of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt: "Leaning Against Housing Prices as Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy"
Klaus Adam, C02, 2018-12-18