Project group B05: Policy outreach
Presentation at MaCCI/JRC workshop on Digital Economics
Camille Urvoy, B05, 2024-06-26
Co-organizer and session moderator of MaCCI/JRC workshop on Digital Economics
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-06-26
Panel moderator at the MaCCI Law & Economics Conference on "Recent Developments in Merger Control"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-06-20
Presentation to Hong Kong Competition Commission: "Market power assessment in platform markets"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-06-06
Panelist at the annual international Pros and Cons conference of the Swedish Competition Authority
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-05-20
Presentation and Q&A at IMCO meeting of the European Parliament: "Self-preferencing in the DMA"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-04-03
Presentation and expert visit to the Belgian Competition Authority: "Learning from DMA enforcement"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-04-02
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Preserving media pluralism"
Camille Urvoy, B05, 2024-03-20
Co-organizers of the MaCCI Annual Conference
Jens-Uwe Franck, Jacopo Gambato, Martin Peitz, Nicolas Schutz, B03, B04, B05, 2024-03-14
Presentation at the Digital Economics Workshop at the JRC: "DSA data access for researchers"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2024-01-15
Expert discussion on competition law, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2023-12-04
Presentation at Competition Commission of India (CCI): "Competition Economics of Self-Preferencing"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-12-01
Co-organizers of MaCCI Law & Economics Conference on "Media Funding"
Martin Peitz, Camille Urvoy, B05, 2023-11-23
Foreword in special issue of Concurrences: "Mergers in Big Tech: Recent developments in EU and national case law"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-11-16
Panelist at Compass Lexecon Forum for Competition Policy: "An Economic Perspective on the Digital Markets Act"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-11-16
Presentation at the Japan Fair Trade Commission: "Digital Platforms and Section 19a in the German Competition Law"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-11-01
Presentation at the European Commission: "Competition Economics of Self-Preferencing"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-10-25
Expert at Meeting of the Federal States’ Broadcasting Officers (at the Ministerpräsidenten-konferenz): "In-depth coordination between the public broadcasters from the perspective of antitrust law"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2023-10-12
Panelist at the Meeting of the Antitrust Law Working Group, Bundeskartellamt (German Cartel Office)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-09-28
Panel moderator at MaCCI / Compass Lexecon Conference on "Complex Legal and Economic DMA Issues"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2023-09-21
Co-organizer and Panelist at MaCCI / Compass Lexecon Conference on "Complex Legal and Economic DMA Issues"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-09-21
Panelist at CEPR RPN workshop "Beyond Leveraging: Ecosystem Theories of Harm in Digital Mergers"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-09-14
Media coverage in "Not another American! Meet the new favorite for EU competition economist"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-08-03
Media coverage in "Commission to reopen chief economist vacancy after Scott Morton withdraws"
Martin Peitz, B05, July 2023-07-19
Media coverage in "Top US economist quits EU job after Macron speaks out"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-19
Media coverage in "Grilled by lawmakers, Vestager defends chief economist appointment"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-18
Training of competition practitioners at the European Summer School and Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE): "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-07-04
Coverage in the German magazine Capital: "Amazon könnte mit Prime-Abonnement auch gegen EU-Recht verstoßen"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-26
Coverage in Lebensmittelzeitung: "FDP sperrt sich gegen Kartellsrechtsnovelle"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-15
Expert hearing at the economics committee of the German parliament on the: 11th amendment of the German Competition Act
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-14
Coverage in newsletter: State Aid Race
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-12
Presentation at the South Korean Competition Authority (KFTC): "Digital Platforms and the New 19a Tool in the German Competition Act"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-06-07
Interview in HR Info: "Überdruss am Überfluss: Der Wandel unserer Werte"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-05-23
Public lecture at Universidad Externado de Colombia: "Plataformas digitales y el futuro de las economías de mercado"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-04-11
Moderator, policy panel "Implementing the DMA", MaCCI Annual Conference
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-03-24
Panelist at the 8th National Conference on Economics of Competition Law, New Delhi: "Antitrust and Regulation:Interfaces and Synergies"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-03-03
Policy lecture for Economics Network Abu Dhabi: "Digital Gatekeepers and the Future of Retailing"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-02-08
Co-authored article in CPI Antitrust Chronicle: "Market Definition and Three 19a Designations Under German Antitrust Law: Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-01-18
Panelist on the Metaverse at 15th Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-01-12
Presentation at CERRE Conference: "How to Implement the DMA?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2023-01-11
Presentation at Singapore Competition Commission (CCCS) on developments in digital markets
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-12-12
Expert visit to the Autoridade da Concorrencia (Portuguese Competition Authority) for discussions of ongoing competition cases
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-21
Podcast interview in New Books Network: "The Economics of Platforms: Concepts and Strategy"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-21
Panelist at Annual Conference of the Association of Competition Economists (ACE): "Net Neutrality and the Fair Share Debate"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-17
Panelist at MaCCI Law & Economics Conference "From Sector Inquiries to Market Investigations?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-10
Presentation at an event of Junge Europäer Mannheim/Heidelberg: "Die Marktmacht von Digitalkonzernen und der Digital Markets Act in der EU"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-09
Presentation to the Workgroup Competition Economics at the Bundeskartellamt: "Arbeitskreis Wettbewerbsökonomie diskutiert über Wettbewerbsverhältnisse auf Tankstellen- und Entsorgungsmärkten sowie die Digitalwirtschaft"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-04
Release of CERRE Issue Paper: "The Prohibition of Self-Preferencing in the DMA"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-11-01
Coverage in EXPANSIÓN (Mexico): "WhatsApp y Netflix, ¿deberían ser reguladas como empresas de telecomunicaciones?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-10-27
Panelist at 8th International Forum "Challenges to Competition in the Digital Era 2022", IFT Mexico
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-10-25
Panel moderator at ENGAGE.EU workshop "Privacy in digital markets"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-10-24
Speaker at Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum on: "Media Mergers"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-09-28
Lecture Series on Digital Platforms at the Philippine Competition Commission
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-09-16
Interview in Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (WuW): "Fünf Fragen an Martin Peitz"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-08-05
Coverage in Frankfurter Rundschau: "Sharing Economy: Kaufen war gestern"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-18
Co-authored article in FAZ: "Ein Mehrzweckwerkzeug für das Bundeskartellamt"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-15
Coverage in DIE RHEINPFALZ: "Sharing Economy: Gutes Teilen, schlechtes Teilen"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-15
Training of competition practitioners at BSE Digital Economy Summer School: "Economics of Platforms: Concepts and Strategy"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-11
Training of competition practitioners at the European Summer School and Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE): "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-05
Co-authored article in Competition Policy International: "A Common Charger for Electronic Devices in the EU: Beauty or Beast?"
Federico Innocenti, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-04
Moderator of policy panel "Interoperability of Platforms and Competition"at the 16th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-07-03
Presentation at the Competition Summer School for Asian officials, European Commission, DG Competition, and College of Europe, Bruges: "Controlling Mergers in the Digital and Green Economies – New Theories of Harm and Remedies"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2022-06-27
Moderator of policy panel "Digital Advertising and Online News Media"at 13thWorkshop on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing, City University London:
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-24
Blog entry on (Stigler Center, University of Chicago): "Should the European Union Require Tech Firms to Adopt a Common Charger?"
Federico Innocenti, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-23
Release of "Antitrust Markets in the Platform Economy" in the podcast series by Autoridade da Concorrência (Portugal)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-14
Training of practitioners from agencies at Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT), (Mexico): "Plataformas y regulación"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-06-02
Presentation at the 15thSeminar for National Judges, Florence School of Regulation: "Individual Private Rights of Action under the Platform-to-Business Regulation"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2022-05-19
Presentation at Autoridade da Concorrência (Portugal): "Antitrust Markets in the Digital Economy"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-04-28
Master Class for practitioners in competition economics and competition law as part of the 2022 Diploma in Competition Policy of the International Chamber of Commerce (Mexico): "Plataformas de multiples lados y la competencia"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-04-27
Training of practitioners from competition agencies in Asia at OECD / Korea Policy Center Workshop on Digital Platforms: "Competition Economics of Digital Platforms"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-04-19
Panelist at OECD Competition Open Day, panel "Competition, Media and Digital Platforms" (youtube video)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-02-23
Co-organizer and moderator of CEPR/MaCCI virtual event: "Regulating ecommerce platforms? Economics and Policy"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-02-17
Article in Concurrences: "Reinforcing the Digital Markets Act: Merger Control and Structural Remedies"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-02-01
Co-signatory of Amicus Brief to the District of Columbia Circuit: State of New York et al. v. Facebook
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-01-28
Article in TechREG Chronicle, Competition Policy International: "The Prohibition of Price Parity Clauses and the Digital Markets Act"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2022-01-26
Three lectures and one policy session in the Barcelona BSE executive course "Competition in Digital Markets" for competition practitioners
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-11-30
Lecture series on digital platforms at Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (antitrust department) in Bogota, Colombia
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-11-24
Lecture and one-to-one meetings at Banco de la Republica (Colombian National Bank) in Cali, Colombia
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-11-11
Lecture to the Working Group on Cartel Law at the Bundeskartellamt (Professorentagung): "Big Tech, Antitrust und Regulierung digitaler Märkte in den Vereinigten Staaten"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2021-10-08
Presentation of the Legal Opinion Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on "Article 114 TFEU as a Legal Basis for Strengthened Control of Acquisitions by Digital Gatekeepers"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2021-10-01
Co-authored Legal Opinion Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on "Article 114 TFEU as a Legal Basis for Strengthened Control of Acquisitions by Digital Gatekeepers"
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2021-09-20
Co-organizer and co-moderator of MaCCI/CompassLexecon virtual workshop: "Vertically Integrated Platforms"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-14
Training of competition practitioners on "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation" at the European Summer School and Conference in Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-07
Co-authored article in the Verfassungsblog: "How to Challenge Big Tech"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-06
Moderator of policy panel "Digital Markets: Big Data, Privacy Protection and AI" at the 15th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-09-04
Co-authored article in Wirtschaftsdienst: "Versorgungsengpässe während einer Pandemie und was dagegen getan werden kann"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-08-01
Lecture at course for lawyers on "Competition Policy & High-Tech Markets", College of Europe
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-07-12
Speaker at the symposium of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: "Pandemien – was kann man (ökonomisch) in der Zukunft besser machen?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-06-29
Lecture to the Mexican competition authority COFECE: "Propuestas regulatorias actuales sobre los mercados digitales en Europa"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-06-21
Panelist at Concurrences International Mergers Conference: "Challenges For Mergers In The Digital Economy"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-05-20
Keynote at Concurrences Roundtable: "Will A One-Size-Fits-All Digital Markets Act Deliver For Consumers?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-05-11
Virtual short course for the Canadian Competition Bureau: "Market Definition in Platform Markets"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-04-01
Presentation at DG Comp, European Commission: “Market definition in the platform economy”
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-25
Virtual Presentation at European Commission, DG Comp: "Market Definition in the Platform Economy"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-24
Article in Antitrust Chronicle 3(1), Competition Policy International: "Section 19a of the Reformed German Competition Act: A (Too) Powerful Weapon to Tame Big Tech?"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-19
Panelist at Digital Markets Competition Forum, Copenhagen Business School: "Tipping in Digital Markets: When to Intervene ex-ante and What Are the Principles for Intervention"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-18
Release of co-authored CERRE report "EU Liability Rules for the Age of Artificial Intelligence", with reporting in
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-03-18
Blog entry in the Oxford Business Law Blog (OBLB): "Taming Big Tech: What Can We Expect From Germany’s New Antitrust Tool?"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-22
Presentation at working group meeting of the CEPS Task Force on EU Industrial Policy after the pandemic: "M&A and Industrial Policy"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-16
Blog entry on (Stigler Center, University of Chicago): "Taming Big Tech: What Can We Expect From Germany’s New Antitrust Tool?"
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-07
Presentation at policy workshop "The Digital Governance Challenge": "Regulation of Digital Activities"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-05
Coverage in 20minutos: "BBK dice que el `duro mazazo´ del covid ha hecho `acuciante´ apostar por la transformación digital del comercio local"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-04
Coverage in EL CORREO: "Eraldaketa digitala ezinbestekoa da tokiko merkataritzaren etorkizuna bermatzeko"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-04
Presentation at the conference "Transformación Digital para el Comercio" as part of the EU Industry Week of the European Commission: "Plataformas y la regulación del comercio digital"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-02-04
Coverage in La Vanguardia: "BBK y Autoridad Vasca de la Competencia organizan un foro sobre la transformación digital del comercio local"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-01-26
Coverage in Xataka Mexico: "Puedes migrar a Telegram y dejar WhatsApp pero inevitablemente gastarás más datos móviles, y eso es culpa del zero rating"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2021-01-19
Coverage in Business Insider: "UK government announces plans to write a 'conduct' code for Facebook and Google, starting in April 2021, but doesn't offer an enforcement timeline"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-27
Panelist at Association of Competition Economics (ACE) virtual conference on "State Aid: Lufthansa"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-19
Presentation on "Underlying theories of harm behind the new legislative proposal" at EUI Conference "The Digital Markets Act: EU Competition Policy at a Crossroad"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-16
Co-authored CEPR Policy Insight: "Preparing for the next crisis: How to secure the supply of essential goods and services"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-11-01
Release of co-authored study "Intervention triggers and underlying theories of harm – expert advice for the Impact Assessment of a New Competition Tool", commissioned by the European Commission
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-10-07
Presentation on New Competition Tool at meeting of the European Competition Network (ECN)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-10-02
Coverage in l'Opinion "Aides d’Etat: l’Allemagne fausse-t-elle la concurrence?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-09-29
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "Building a strategy for resilience"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-09-16
Coverage in Bloomberg: "A Central Pillar of the EU Is Under Threat"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-06-23
Coverage in IL FOGLIO: "La Germania mostra all’Europa come si fa un piano per il rilancio"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-06-06
Co-authored article in Intereconomics 55(4): "State Aid Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Shock: Observations and Guiding Principles" (also appeared as CRC discussion paper 179/2020)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-06-01
Co-authored article in EL PAIS: "Una oportunidad para recuperar Europa"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-05-14
Coverage in Verslo žinios: "Ekonomikos skatinimas ES kompetencijos ribose: kaip veikti?"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-05-04
Coverage in IL FOGLIO: "La Germania punta tutto sugli aiuti di stato. L’Italia non ha soldi"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-05-01
Co-authored article in VoxEU: "The EU Recovery Fund: An Opportunity for Change"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-30
Interview with Bayern2 radioWelt on state support for Lufthansa
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-30
Coverage in ARD Tagesschau: "Hilfsoptionen für Airline: Staat und Lufthansa - Kann das gut gehen?" on partial state ownership of Lufthansa
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-24
Co-authored article in VoxEU: “EU state aid policies in the time of COVID-19”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-18
Co-authored article in LA VOCE: “Europa a rischio di un’epidemia di aiuti di stato”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-04-16
Open letter to Executive Vice President Vestager: "How EU competition policy should respond to global players & digitization", distributed via the Centre on regulation in Europe (cerre), Brussels
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-03-02
Co-authored article in VoxEU: “How to Deal with Big Tech Mergers”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-02-11
Invited lecture at CERRE Executive Seminar “Big Tech Acquisitions: Competition and Innovation Effects & EU Merger Control", Brussels
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-02-05
Co-authored article in Concurrences No. 1-2020, special issue “Digital & Competition”: “The Competitive Impacts of Exclusivity and Price Transparency in Markets with Digital Platforms”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-02-01
Lecture at the L&A Competition Day in Hamburg: “Ordnungspolitischer Rahmen für die Missbrauchsaufsicht auf digitalen Märkten aus ökonomischer Sicht”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2020-01-16
Short Course at the Brazilian competition authority CADE on “The Economics of Platforms”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-12-10
Lecture on “Antitrust in the Attention Economy” and panelist on “What has been learned about digital markets?”at the second Rio Conference on Advances in Competition Policy Analysis
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-12-05
Three lectures and panel contribution in the Barcelona GSE executive course “Competition in Digital Markets” for competition practitioners
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-11-20
Contribution to the plenary panel “Reflections on the Need for a Reform of Merger Rules – Increased Concentration and Digital Mergers” and analysis of the German Facebook case at the Annual Conference of the Association of Competition Economists (ACE)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-11-14
Contribution to the panel “When Data Affects Industrial Policy – Do We Need To Rethink Merger Control?” at the European Data Summit of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-10-23
Training of competition practitioners on "Economics of Platforms: Competition and Regulation" at the European Summer School and Conference in Competition and Regulation (CRESSE)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-07-09
Panelist in policy session “The Role of Industrial Policy in Competition Law Enforcement: Lessons from Siemens/Alstom” at the 14th International Conference on Competition and Regulation, CRESSE
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-07-07
Expert at the Digital Clearinghouse Roundtable for Regulators, European Policy Center, Brussels
Jens-Uwe Franck, B05, 2019-06-05
Co-authored article on Oxford Business Law Blog: “Digital platforms: Market definition and market power”
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-05-29
Report at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE): “Market Definition and Market Power in the Platform Economy”
Jens-Uwe Franck, Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-05-08
Co-authored article in ifo Schnelldienst "Zäsur in der europäischen wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik: Freie Fahrt für europäische Champions?": “Gute europäische Champions und böse Funktionskontrolle?“
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-04-25
Co-authored article “Challenges for EU Merger Control” published in Concurrences, special issue “Which Competition and Industrial Policies for the new EU Commission after Siemens/Alstom?”; press coverage in
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-04-16
Co-authored article in the Vox CEPR Policy Portal: “Competition Policy and European Firms’ Competitiveness”
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-02-20
Presentations "Public Policy in Big Data Markets" and "Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings and Recommendations" at the Argentinian competition branch, Comisión Nacional de la Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC)
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-01-23
Short course at the Chilean competition authority Fiscalía Nacional Económica (FNE): "Competition Economics of Platform Markets"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2019-01-17
Presentation at the Hearing of the economic committee of the parliament of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-12-04
Co-authored report at the Centre on regulation in Europe (CERRE): "Liability of Online Hosting Platforms: Should Exceptionalism End?"
Miriam Buiten, Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-09-13
Four hour course from competition agencies and consultancies on "Economics of Platform Markets for Competition Policy" at the CRESSE Summer School, furthermore plenary talk on "The Role of Multihoming in Platform Markets" and presentation in the plenary panel on "Foreclosure in Platform Markets" both also at the "CRESSE 2018"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-06-29
Co-authored policy report with Jan Krähmer, University of Passau for the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE): "A Fresh Look at Zero-Rating"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-03-28
Presentation at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition on "Public Policy in Big Data Markets"
Martin Peitz, B05, 2018-03-26