Bonn, Mannheim, Germany, 05.07.2023 – People have a very negative image of stockholders: using surveys conducted in eleven countries, new EPoS economic research shows that a large majority of respondents views stockholders as greedy, gambler-like, and selfish, particularly in Germany and the Netherlands. This result helps to explain why the fraction of people that invest in the stock market remains puzzlingly low around the world. The economists further show that people’s views causally influence investment decisions and matter for participation more than other factors such as risk tolerance or knowledge of how the stock markets work.
“Wolf of Wall Street” Image Puts People Off Stock Market Investment – EPoS research shows Press release: “Wolf of Wall Street” Image Puts People Off Stock Market Investment – EPoS research shows
• 8,402 individuals surveyed in 11 countries by EPoS economic research center
• Shareholders seen as greedy, gambler-like and selfish
Video by Luca Henkel: What Prevents People From Investing in the Stock Market?
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