Episode 51 (Job Market Edition): Beate Thies on the Effects of Air Pollution on Knowledge Workers

Beate Thies is a PhD student and Job Market Candidate at the University of Mannheim

The paper discussed in this episode is “Air Quality, High-Skilled Worker Productivity and Adaptation: Evidence from GitHub", by Beate Thies and Felix Holub.

Other papers mentioned in this episode are:

Adhvaryu, A., Kala, N., & Nyshadham, A. (2022). Management and shocks to worker productivity. Journal of Political Economy, 130(1), 1-47.

Deryugina, T., Heutel, G., Miller, N. H., Molitor, D., & Reif, J. (2019). The mortality and medical costs of air pollution: Evidence from changes in wind direction. American Economic Review, 109(12), 4178-4219.

Kunn, S., Palacios, J., & Pestel, N. (forthcoming). Indoor air quality and strategic decision making. Management Science.


Episode 52 (Job Market Edition): Riley League on Administrative Burden and Consolidation in Healthcare


Episode 50 (Job Market Edition): Elena Ashtari Tafti on the Effect of Robots in Surgery