Registration: CRC TR 224 Summer School

The School will take place at the Jugendstilhotel Trifels in Annweiler, Germany, it is aimed at Ph.D. students and post-docs, there will be a max of 25 participants.

Deposit: A payment of 300 EUR needs to be transferred by admitted students within two weeks of notification (the deposit will be reimbursed after attending the whole summer school).

Travel expenses, board & lodging: Lodging and meals during the summer school will be covered; travel expenses will be partially reimbursed if an oversea flight is required, reimbursement details will be made available upon acceptance (attending the whole summer school is required).

Childcare: Limited childcare facilities might be available for participants with young children upon request.

Application: Please register below and upload your curriculum vitae as well as a statement of purpose (maximum one page). Please also upload a draft of your work in case you would like to present it.

Please arrange for a brief letter of support by your adviser or other relevant faculty (mandatory) to be sent to The letter can be informal.

Your registration as well as the letter of support must be received by June 02, 2024 to be considered.

Wird geladen